IQ-MATHS method is developed so the children have ability of Basic Skill Mathematics
What is IQ-MATHS?
IQ-MATHS: is a Mathematics learning method which emphasized at 4 kinds of problem:
· Basic Skill Questions
· Thinking Skill Questions
· IQ Questions
· Story Questions / Words Problem
Aimed at the children between 6-12 years old (Elementary Students), IQMATHS materials cover 90% mathematics subject at elementary school.
The Purpose of IQMATHS Method
IQMATHS method is developed so the children have ability of Basic Skill Mathematics, Thinking Mathematics and IQ development. To facilitate the children to keep up in mathematics at the advance level. In the learning process children will be guided by the tutors who had special training to guarantee the success of children at mastering this method. During the process children won’t have trouble to master this method, because IQ-MATHS is equipped by interesting and fun teaching aids.
IQ-MATHS Learning System
Children will learn using the teaching aids, so they can understand the concept easily. By using the teaching aids or wallchart, the children will easily understand the problem and able to find a creative solution in the problem solving with the good and faster steps.
The exercises given will be very helpful for them to master the subject materials at school. In the IQ-MATHS method children will learn and solve mathematics problems by understanding the thinking concept using left-brain and right-brain. Children won’t have difficulty to find the answer of questions given by school because they’ve mastered this method. Mathematics will be very fun for them.
Does IQ-Maths help us to solve words problem?
Yes, in IQ-Maths words problem is discussed, the tutor will explain with models or teaching aids in order for the children to imagine what happens in the story, so it’s really helpful to solve the problem in that story question.
Basic Skill Questions
(Basic questions)
Thinking Skill Questions
(The problem to train logic and thinking skill)
IQ Questions
(The problems to improve IQ)
Words Problem
(Story problems)
The Benefits of Learning IQ-Maths
- Children learn using teaching aids.
- The learning system aimed at the concept comprehension.
- Complete variation of problems.
Calismath CHIQUITA, Teaches young children to read, write and understand the basics of mathematics.
In the learning process, children will be accompanied by quality teaching aids, which will make it easier for them to understand each level of the lessons given.
Learning will be fun with the help of teaching aids so that children will more quickly absorb each lesson given. Of course, he will not only learn to read and write, in the Calismath class he will also get an introduction to mathematics.
Program Information:
📞 : 0878 5630 2976 / 0813 8280 5599
For location addresses and other information, please contact this number:
📞 : 0821-2214-1495
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